The UK Meteor Network

Welcome to the website of the UK Meteor Network. We have over 200 video cameras across the UK, Eire and western Europe dedicated to detecting meteors.

If you’ve seen a fireball, please use the link to the right to report it.

If you’re interested in getting a camera, please see this page. You can also join our forum.

If you’re looking for our data archive, its over here on its own website.

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Latest News

  • Earth-grazing meteor seen from Croatia to England

    Earth-grazing meteor seen from Croatia to England

    At 00:27:46 UT on the 7th of July 2024, an earth-grazer meteor was observed travelling from near Innsbruck in Austria to a point 30km north of Gravelines on the French coast. The meteor, travelling at 64km/s, traversed a distance of 841… Read moreEarth-grazing meteor seen from Croatia to England

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  • New Meteor Shower Discovered

    New Meteor Shower Discovered

    Writing in eMeteorNews, Denis Vida and Damir Segon announce the discovery of a new meteor shower in Hercules. The authors say that 32 meteors were observed on 27th April 2024 in a time range of 20:00 to 23:40 UT. The… Read moreNew Meteor Shower Discovered

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  • Update on German Meteorites

    Update on German Meteorites

    The fall zone for potential meteorites from 2024 BX1 has now been calculated. Due to the steep angle of descent of the asteroid, the fallzone is quite small and looks good for a search! The red dots indicate different weight… Read moreUpdate on German Meteorites

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